Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 24 Prayer Requests

1.  Cade (Lundberg's nephew) is at Duke to try to determine if seizures can be controlled by brain surgery.  Pray especially for the family who is going to have a difficult time being back at Duke.

2.  Brant's friend Darren's mom who had a stroke.

3.  Samantha from KNO who is still at Duke with complications from her stent.

4.  Joan is traveling all next week and may have to encounter some bad weather in the mountains.

5.  Allison Blake is trying to decide if she should take some work in Richmond that could be potentially lucrative but it also 2.5 hours away from her family.  She desires wisdom to make the right decision.

6.  The Benfield's friend Jim Cropp is having open heart surgery today.

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