Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Skull Crushing Seed of the Woman

I found a paper this weekend, by an Old Testament scholar named Jim Hamilton, that does a great job of examining Genesis 3:15 and showing its use throughout the Old Testament.  The author's main point is, though we do not find a lot of the wording of Genesis 3:15 used throughout the Old Testament, we do see the concepts expressed in Genesis 3:15 reoccurring.  Hamilton uses the term word-study fallacy to describe the process of only looking for the wording of Genesis 3:15 and not the concepts.

The paper is about 14 pages long, and though in depth, I do not think you will find it highly technical.  Hamilton covers a lot of the territory we covered in small group, including the word offspring or seed being understood as a singular as well as plural concept.  I think you will find this paper fleshes out in more detail a lot of what we covered in small group.  Hopefully it will lead to a deeper understanding of Christ in the Old Testament.  Hamilton's main point is to show the method the New Testament writers used to interpret the Old Testament, was through the grid of the coming Messiah.

Here is the link to the paper:

Fill free to post any questions or comments you have about the paper in the comment section.