Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week 2 Homework

Week 2 Homework

We did not have time to get to the material covered by last week's homework, so the homework this week is the same as week 1.  

We are going to attempt to organize the Bible and the concept of the Kingdom of God into some sort of framework - a beginning, middle, and end that will help us see the story more clearly.  However, we want to see how the Bible organizes itself not what I might think is a good way to do it - that is what we are trying to get away from with our approach  

Often we view the Old Testament as one thing - usually the law.  However, Paul does not see it that way.  Your homework is to read these passages and try to determine how Paul divides the Old Testament.  HINT: Paul divides the Old Testament into three parts.  

Galatians 3:10-18

1.  Paul describes two principles at work in the history of the Old Testament what are they?
2.  What time period or with whom are these two principles associated with?

Romans 5:12-14

The Romans passage is particularly difficult, but it contains some key points that we are going to be examining for the rest of the class.  Here are two questions to ask yourself that will help you try to figure it out.  

1.  Why does Paul say that death reigned from Adam to Moses, why not from Adam to Jesus?  In other words, what is different about the time from Adam to Moses?
2.  Why does Paul distinguish the sin of the people from Adam to Moses from the sin of Adam?

Chris’ homework is to study the difference between the Greek words ἁμαρτία and παράβασις.  In what situation does the LXX use the word παράβασις?

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